I would like to know how to calculate the distance between points on Earth given latitude and longitude. Which formulas use to convert spherical coordinates to Cartesian and vice versa.
I need help to solve a URI problem: link
#URI - 1721 - Equidistance
import math
def sphericalDistence(p, q, r):
#p e q sao pares de coordenadas esfericas (latitude, longitude)
#r eh o raio da esfera
return math.acos(math.sin(p[0]) * math.sin(q[0])+ math.cos(p[0]) * math.cos(q[0]) * math.cos(p[1]-q[1]))*r
r = 6378
p = {}
S, La, Lo = input().split()
while S!='#':
p[S] = (math.radians(float(La)), math.radians(float(Lo)))#remember of the convert to radians
#print('S=', S, ' La Lo = ', p[S])
S, La, Lo = input().split()
A, B, M = input().split()
while A!='#':
if not(A in p.keys() and B in p.keys() and M in p.keys()):
d = '?'
p1 = (math.radians(p[M][0]),math.radians(p[M][1]))
p2 = (math.radians((p[A][0]+p[B][0])/2),math.radians((p[A][1]+p[B][1])/2))
d = str(sphericalDistence(p1, p2, r))
#print('d A M = ',(sphericalDistence(p[A], p[M],r)))
#print('d B M = ',(sphericalDistence(p[B], p[M],r)))
print('%s is %s km off %s/%s equidistance' %(M, d, A, B))
A, B, M = input().split()
A, B= input().split()
while A!='#':
print((sphericalDistence(p[A], p[B],r)))
A, B = input().split()