What is the difference between Template and Layout?


I'd like to know the semantic, visual difference and front-end and back-end web development.



  • Is there any kind of dependency? To have the layout you need to have the template?
asked by anonymous 24.09.2015 / 21:47

2 answers


The concepts for Template and Layout apply beyond the web, and are used by N areas. Focusing on web development as your question:



It is a set of files and instructions, containing only the visual part of the presentation of the content. It is a document template that will shape the final concept.



It's how content is formatted and presented, structure and layout.

Making a cheap analogy: Imagine that we are going to build a kite (I hope I have already done so), the basic structure of a kite is the same:









  • Definition: link
  • Layout of a slide - link layout-de -slide-3a67bbc6-f433-4890-8549-398c3b0bf934
  • Layout study - link About layout - link
  • Layout of companies and their benefits - link


24.09.2015 / 22:22

Layout is how content is presented, formatted, and diagrammed. It is more connected to your presentation structure. (What?) Usually not the final file of your idea, but it may be an integral part of it.

Template is the set of files and guidelines for content layout and visual presentation . (How?) This set of files shapes the concept or theme of the project, idea, site / app.

There is a dependency between them, since a template has already been a layout. You can have a template with a specific layout, and on top of the same template if you change the layout. You can also have a single template that has multiple layouts.

When I think about this, I remember Powerpoint . You open the program, and it gives you some slide options (white slide, title, subtitle, image, content, column). It's a simple template, and you use what makes sense to your presentation. You can use this idea and you can change it. (layout)

Or you can take a ready-made template, which already comes with applied animations, with differentiated designs, text boxes located in specific places and even differentiated, all with the purpose of forming a visual concept. To get to this closed file, someone took a layout and modified it until it was consistent with the theme you want. (template)

Or an even example . Draw a person. A stick figure doll is a layout. It has head, trunk and limbs, in the necessary order, in the right places, and in sufficient quantity for its identification. Now if you are going to make your drawing with ink, with pencil, with a certain thickness of trace, realistic, coloring, with certain style, etc .; this would be the template.

01.01.2018 / 20:02