That should be easy, but I can not find a solution! It is as follows:
File1 - with texts:
Doc Texto
doc1 Isto é um teste para substituições de palavras.
doc2 As casas são parecidas.
File2 - Reference:
Termo Termo_pai
é ser
substituições substituição
palavras palavra
as a
casas casa
são ser
parecidas parecida
How do I replace the words in File1 with words that are found in File2 in the "Term" column in the "Term_pai" column?
The result would be:
Doc Text
doc1 test test for word .
A home
That is, the bold words, from File1, were found in File2 in the "Term" column and replaced by the words that are in the "Term3" column.
Could someone help?