In the following example, for debit with Banco Itaú, it works perfectly:
$payment = $order->payments()
->setOnlineBankDebit('341', $expiration_date, 'http://localhost/federais/')
$redirect = $payment->getLinks()->getLink('payOnlineBankDebitItau');
But for Banco do Brasil does not work, what name should I put?
$payment = $order->payments()
->setOnlineBankDebit('001', $expiration_date, 'http://localhost/federais/')
$redirect = $payment->getLinks()->getLink('payDebitOnline');
What about the other banks? Bradesco, Barisul and others?
You have tried payDebitOnlineBrasil
and others and nothing works. Has anyone worked with the Moip SDK for online debt can you help me?
I just tested Bradesco: payDebitOnlineBradesco
and it worked. But what about the other banks?