I was making corrections in a class and I came across the following code, did not know it was possible and never stopped to think, but why is this valid? I'm referring to the first line of Try. For me try / catch has always been in the format:
}catch(Exception e){
Is the following code the same as writing in the above syntax?
try (FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(templateFile)) {
Workbook wb = write(validation, WorkbookFactory.create(fs), planilha);
File file = relatorioPlanilhaDAO.exportSheet(planilha.getNomeHash());
FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(file);
if (wb != null) {
} else {
Log.error(this, "Erro ao escrever no arquivo.");
throw new InternalServerErrorException("Erro ao exportar relatório.");
return file;
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.info(this, "Erro ao obter planilha.", e);
throw new NotFoundException("Erro ao exportar planilha.", e);
} catch (InvalidFormatException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
Log.error(this, "Formato de planilha inválido.", e);
throw new InternalServerErrorException("Formato de planilha inválido.", e);