Well, I did this class to solve your problem:
public final class PrecoComJuros {
private final BigDecimal valorBase;
private final BigDecimal valorParcelado; // pv
private final BigDecimal entrada;
private final int numeroParcelas;
private final BigDecimal taxaJuros;
private final BigDecimal valorParcela;
private final BigDecimal valorTotal; // pmt
private final BigDecimal valorJuros;
public PrecoComJuros(BigDecimal valorBase, BigDecimal entrada, int numeroParcelas, BigDecimal taxaJuros) {
if (numeroParcelas <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (taxaJuros.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.valorBase = valorBase;
this.entrada = entrada;
this.numeroParcelas = numeroParcelas;
this.taxaJuros = taxaJuros;
BigDecimal juros = taxaJuros.divide(CEM); // i
this.valorParcelado = valorBase.subtract(entrada);
if (taxaJuros.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
this.valorParcela = valorParcelado.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(numeroParcelas), 2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
} else {
BigDecimal potencia = juros.add(BigDecimal.ONE).pow(numeroParcelas);
BigDecimal denominador = BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE.divide(potencia, 20, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN));
this.valorParcela = valorParcelado.multiply(juros).divide(denominador, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
this.valorJuros = valorParcela.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(numeroParcelas));
this.valorTotal = entrada.add(valorJuros);
public BigDecimal getValorBase() {
return valorBase;
public BigDecimal getValorParcelado() {
return valorParcelado;
public BigDecimal getEntrada() {
return entrada;
public int getNumeroParcelas() {
return numeroParcelas;
public BigDecimal getTaxaJuros() {
return taxaJuros;
public BigDecimal getValorParcela() {
return valorParcela;
public BigDecimal getValorTotal() {
return valorTotal;
public BigDecimal getValorJuros() {
return valorJuros;
Here's her test:
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(" : : ".split(":")));
PrecoComJuros p = new PrecoComJuros(BigDecimal.valueOf(30_000), BigDecimal.valueOf(10_000), 24, BigDecimal.valueOf(5));
System.out.println("Valor da parcela: " + p.getValorParcela());
System.out.println("Juros total: " + p.getValorJuros());
System.out.println("Valor total: " + p.getValorTotal());
Some remarks about the implementation:
Passing a negative exponent to the pow
method causes an exception. The solution to this is to note that a ^ (- b) = 1 / (a ^ b) http://mathurl.com/ju3n77z.png , and therefore we can eliminate the need to use a negative exponent.
There is special treatment in case the interest rate is zero. If there was no such treatment, a division by zero would occur.
Values with zero or negative numbers or with negative interest rates are rejected.
The parcel value is calculated with cents accuracy (2 digits after the comma). Intermediate calculations, however use up to 20 boxes after the comma.