Check when global variable changes


I have the following problem, I have a global variable public static bool HouveAlteracaoBD { get; set; } and I need to monitor it when there is a change in its value, since I want to follow the following logic:

if(Houve alteração na variável global "HouveAlteracaoBD" == true)
    CadEmpresaEntity cadEmpresa = new CadEmpresaFacade().GetCadEmpresa(empresaId, ref resultado);
    cadEmpresa.Ativa = true;
    new CadEmpresaFacade().Alterar(cadEmpresa, ref resultado);

My problem is in the expression of if, I need to wait for the global variable to undergo a change, but I do not know how to do that, if anyone can help I thank.

asked by anonymous 20.07.2017 / 16:28

3 answers


You can take advantage of the set accessor of the property. Save the real value of the property in a separate field and use the property to encapsulate its access, like this:

public class Foo
    private static bool houveAlteracao;

    public static bool HouveAlteracao
        get { return houveAlteracao; }
            if (!houveAlteracao && value) // valor alterado para true
                // lógica
            else if (houveAlteracao && !value) // valor alterado para false
                // lógica, caso deseje fazer algo nesse caso também.

            houveAlteracao = value;

As a logic you can use the body of if you showed in the question.

20.07.2017 / 17:04

There is a specific interface for this - INotifyPropertyChanged that has a PropertyChanged member which is an event that we can subscribe to.

public class MyClass : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private string imageFullPath;

    protected void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
        if (handler != null)
            handler(this, e);

    protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    public string ImageFullPath
        get { return imageFullPath; }
            if (value != imageFullPath)
                imageFullPath = value;

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

Reference: [Link]

20.07.2017 / 17:11

As a seemingly simple case, you can set this in the set method of the property.

public class SuaClasse
    private bool houveAlteracaoBd;

    public bool HouveAlteracaoBD
        get { return houveAlteracaoBd; }
            if(value != houveAlteracaoBd)
                houveAlteracaoBd = value;

                if(value) //Se for true

    private void HouveAlteracao()
        CadEmpresaEntity cadEmpresa = new CadEmpresaFacade().GetCadEmpresa(empresaId, ref resultado);
        cadEmpresa.Ativa = true;
        new CadEmpresaFacade().Alterar(cadEmpresa, ref resultado);
20.07.2017 / 16:55