Laravel - Use OR within where


I am using the ->cont command to count the return number, and for this I put a condition using ->WHERE , but when I try to put a || in the condition it will look for the answer. p>

code I'm using:

                ->where('IdDesafiante','=',15 )

As I've tried:

                    ->where('IdDesafiante','=',15) ||

Second mode:

                        ->where('IdDesafiante','=',15 ||'IdDesafiante','=',16)
asked by anonymous 12.07.2018 / 15:34

2 answers


Use orWhere to make or and other where just to and .

   ->where('IdDesafiante', '=', 15)
   ->orWhere('IdDesafiante', '=', 16)

Using || in this case is not correct, is not semantic and has no logic. Laravel is object oriented.

12.07.2018 / 15:47

If you need more "orWheres", or you have a single data source being manipulated to perform the query assembly, you can also opt for whereIn :

   ->whereIn('IdDesafiante', array(15,16,17,18,19))
12.07.2018 / 18:37