PHP How to generate a unique ID equal to that of the GOOGLE shortcuts

2  How can I be generating an equal ID of this google and verify if it already exists, if it happens generate another. PHP

asked by anonymous 31.12.2017 / 18:04

2 answers


I confess that I do not know a way to do this automatically. But one solution I thought of was you make an associative table between an ID and the generated characters. You would do a function that would generate these 5 characters, check if these characters are already being used, otherwise save the ID and code in the database.

If you want a function to generate these characters I'm leaving an example here

function gerarCaracteres($tamanho = 5) {
    $caracteres = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
    $retorno = '';
    $len = strlen($caracteres);
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $tamanho; $i++) {
        $rand = mt_rand(1, $len);
        $retorno .= $caracteres[$rand-1];
    return $retorno;
31.12.2017 / 18:34

There are a few things to consider:

  • Is it interesting that you hide the number?

    If you have /1 , /2 , /3 a user can change the value and get previous values. This is very bad in some cases, for example on YouTube. YouTube allows hidden videos. If they were sequential a user would have high probability of finding those videos. In addition to synchronization problems between servers.

    But this is not necessary in all cases.

  • Is it interesting to use lyrics?

    You can generate a random number, only, without converting to letters and symbols. The use of letters and symbols is used because the URL is treated as text.

    Typically, you are able to generate 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 , using only 8 bytes, UINT64 . However, if you have a /18446744073709551614 URL, you will use 20 bytes, precisely because each number will be treated as any letter, an individual byte.

    In addition, databases would treat each letter as one byte ( assuming base64 ), and it was worse to find the data and take up more disk space. So using numbers would be the best option.

  • My suggestion:

  • Create a random, non-predictable value (for the attacker).
  • Code for base64 in order to "compact" it for the URL.
  • When the client accesses the link, decode base64 to the number value.
  • Search the database for the numeric value.
  • To create the URL use:

    $int = random_int(PHP_INT_MIN, PHP_INT_MAX);
    $base64 = base64_encode(pack('J*', $int)); 
    $base64 = rtrim(strtr($base64, '+/', '-_'), '='); 

    This code was based on this response . Use $int to store in database, $base64 to send to user.

    Then, to convert again, use:

    $url = 'CODIGO-DO-URL';
    $base64 = strtr($url, '-_', '+/');
    $base64 = base64_decode($base64);
    $int = unpack("J*", $base64)[1];

    In this way, search the database for $int . Of course, this may have worse performance, after all there is a cost for conversion. But, the storage space required will be less, this is evident. But, I believe the database is a bigger problem than converting, ie converting base64 to int still has bigger advantages.

    31.12.2017 / 21:56