To add an empty Aap.Net Core project, you should open a command prompt, navigate to the directory where you want to create it, and run the following command:
dotnet new web
The MVC template already includes the initial structure of this type of project, you can consult all templates available through the reference ):
dotnet new -l
The following steps are for other versions of Visual Studio, since Visual Code does not work with pattern-only directories.
To create an empty Solution via Dotnet CLI, you should open a command prompt, navigate to the directory where you want to create it, and run the following command:
dotnet new sln
This command has no arguments and will create a .sln file with the same name as the directory where it was executed.
Now to add projects to your solution you can use the sln commands ( reference ) or take the more practical route you create them with visual studio.
The same can be done within the visual studio itself by accessing the menu:
File -> New Project -> Other Project Types
