I'm trying to create my own snippets in the atom, but none of them have any workings.
I tried:
'Controller text'
'prefix': 'lco'
'body': 'my name is $1'
But when typing lco
and pressing TAB, it does nothing, I also tried for php
'Controller text'
'prefix': 'lco'
'body': 'my name is $1'
and for html
'Controller text'
'prefix': 'lco'
'body': 'my name is $1'
'Controller text'
'prefix': 'lco'
'body': 'my name is $1'
In none of the ways I create my personal snippets does Atom create the snippets. In the above cases are examples to simplify what I want to do.
What is the right way to work with snippets on Atom? I followed examples from the documentation and can not get the results you expect.
Att. Thiago Prado