"Naive" solution
You can use UNION as long as you keep the fields the same, leaving the unused ones empty.
SELECT b.natureza as natureza, COUNT(*) AS total, '' as tag, '' as seq
FROM tabela1 a
LEFT JOIN tabela2 b ON (a.servico = b.cod)
WHERE b.cod notnull AND
a.status = 0 AND a.data_mov BETWEEN 77770 AND 77810
Group by b.natureza
order by 1
SELECT '' as natureza, '' as total, tag, '' as seq FROM tabela3 WHERE cod = 1
SELECT '' as natureza, '' as total, '' as tag, seq
FROM tabela1 a
LEFT JOIN tabela2 b ON (a.servico = b.cod)
WHERE b.cod NOTNULL AND b.natureza = QN:Nat AND
a.status = 0 AND a.data_mov BETWEEN 77770 AND 77810
Is this the best solution?
No, it's a gambiarra. Running 3 queries on one does not leave the bank connection faster. In fact the bank will run the 3 queries normally and may still have an overhead of memory.
What often leaves many queries running slow is not correctly using the statements objects and connections to the database. I worked on a Java system that removed connections from the pool and closed them for each query. We changed the system to recover a single connection per request, and the performance gain was 300%.
Even though there is some minimum gain from this "union" in certain situations, for me this falls into the category of micro-optimization, that is, something very specific that solves a particular problem, but leaves the code more prone to errors and more difficult to maintain.
A more suitable solution that can usually be done is to put certain information in cache . Could not this% recovered% be stored in memory? If changes are not frequent this will bring a good performance gain. You just can not forget to invalidate the cache when the table or registry changes.
Alternative for query within loop
For queries executed within a loop , you can use caching techniques in the code in question.
I'll put a fictitious example, but illustrate the principle:
mapaCache = { }
queryPrincipal = execute('select * from tabela_principal')
for (dados in queryPrincipal) {
//recupera o código de algum lugar
codigoTag = 1
//verifica se a tag já foi carregada
tag = mapaCache[codigoTag]
//se não tem ainda, carrega do banco e salva no cache
if (tag == null) {
tag = execute('select tag from tabela3')
mapaCache[codigoTag] = tag
//coloca os dados no array
If you already know the code (s) to be searched for in advance, just put the queries that repeat outside the loop. Example:
tag = execute('select tag from tabela3')
queryPrincipal = execute('select * from tabela_principal')
for (dados in queryPrincipal) {
//coloca os dados no array
Join or Subquery
Another alternative would be to join between the tables or put in a subquery .
First of all, I did not understand why you can not recover tag
already in the first query .
In addition, I do not know what the seq
relationship is with the others, but if you have any you could do a subquery like this:
SELECT b.natureza, COUNT(*) AS total,
(SELECT tag FROM tabela3 WHERE cod = tabela1.codigo_tag) as tag
FROM tabela1 a
LEFT JOIN tabela2 b ON (a.servico = b.cod)
WHERE b.cod notnull AND
a.status = 0 AND a.data_mov BETWEEN 77770 AND 77810
Group by b.natureza
order by 1