Would you like to know the best practice for that default button / link in the applications?
Today I use href="javascript:history.back();"
but there are some considerations that over time I came across, are 3 doubts :
not being compatible with some browsers / specific versions, and not working, even with JavaScript enabled on client. Is there any other measure to be used for this situation? PHP - Knowing that it is a server-side language, would there be anything in PHP to do this function, native or not, and not use JavaScript? >
Note: Regarding doubt 3, I have already used in some systems a kind of page capture by href="javascript:history.back();"
, where a history was set up following the navigation, so it could direct a return link to any navigation history level, because sometimes I need to go back one, two, or even 3 pages of this history, I discontinued this function in the new systems because I thought it was unnecessary processing, and I ended up using only session
and when necessary on specific occasions I do a "gambiarra".