Change marker color li



I would like to know how I can change the color of the marker ball <li> via CSS.

For what I read on the internet, so far I've only been able to do this using an image to replace the ball.

asked by anonymous 26.02.2016 / 18:30

3 answers


You can use the property list-style-image and set an image to replace the balls:

ul {
  list-style-image: url('')

With this property, you can even use SVG inline to create an "image" with the ball (or whatever shape you prefer). For example:

 * Trocando o atributo "fill" pela cor da sua preferência.

ul {
  list-style-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="" width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 10 10"><circle fill="blue" cx="7" cy="7" r="2"/></svg>');

Another alternative is to remove the style from the list and create these polka dots with the pseudo < strong> :before :

ul {
  list-style: none

ul li:before {
  content: '22';
  margin: 0 2px;
  color: #e74c3c /* cor da bolinha */
26.02.2016 / 18:37

You can use the following code in the LI css. In color you change the color of the before, that is, the color of the ball.

li {
  list-style-type: none;
li:before {
  content: '•';
  display: inline-block;
  position: absolute;
  left: -1em;
26.02.2016 / 18:33

You can by css in ul:

ul {
  list-style-image: url('urlimagem');

Already solves;)

18.03.2016 / 15:41