I have the following select:
imp_loja AS LOJA,
imp_item AS ITEM,
imp_desc AS DESCRICAO,
imp_dias_giro AS DIAS_DE_GIRO,
imp_pedido AS PEDIDO,
imp_bancao AS BANCAO,
imp_romaneio AS ROMANEIO,
imp_transito AS TRANSITO,
imp_gondula AS GONDULA,
imp_fator AS FATOR,
imp_reposicao AS REPOSICAO,
imp_estoque AS ESTOQUE,
(imp_nec - imp_fator) AS NEC_FAT,
(imp_estoque / imp_fator) AS EXT_X_FATOR,
(imp_estoque + imp_transito)ESTTRAN,
imp_data AS DATA
FROM importacao WHERE ESTTRAN < 0 ORDER BY imp_desc
I want to show only those who have the negative balance, but this is giving the condition error, what could it be?
SQL execution error # 1054. Resonse from the database: Unknown column 'ESTTRAN' in 'where cluase'