Event triggered when changing a Document header field (eg change the exchange).


I'm looking for an event triggered by changing a document header field (eg change the exchange), this all in VBA in Spring version 9.

The final idea is when changing the value of the exchange in the header to update all lines with the new change.

asked by anonymous 24.07.2018 / 09:28

2 answers


In version 9, at the header level, you only have 2 events in VBA:


In version 10 this will already be different and there will be other possibilities.

24.07.2018 / 10:16

There is no native event that allows you to invoke methods by changing a value in the header, except for, as well as @ManuelQuelhas, TipoDocumentoIdentificado and ClienteIdentificado . However, there is the TeclaPressionada method, which allows, at any time, with the press of a button to evoke code in VBA. Having said this, perhaps the ideal would be to implement a method to recall from a key or key combination ( SHIFT or CTRL + key).


Private Sub EditorVendas_TeclaPressionada(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Dim objLinhaVenda As GcpBELinhaDocumentoVenda

    On Error GoTo Erro

    If KeyCode = vbKeyF3 And Me.DocumentoVenda.Linhas.NumItens > 0 Then
        For Each objLinhaVenda In Me.DocumentoVenda.Linhas
            'o teu código aqui
    End If

    Set objLinhaVenda = Nothing

    Exit Sub

    PlataformaPRIMAVERA.Dialogos.MostraErro Err.Description, PRI_Exclama
End Sub
24.07.2018 / 10:28