Intellisense disappears when the argument list is large


I'm using Visual Studio 2010 I noticed that when the list of constructor parameters is too large and does not fit on the screen Visual Studio no longer displays the builder parameters list. Is it possible to configure it to display all without distinction?

asked by anonymous 10.02.2014 / 13:06

3 answers


One solution would be to have a simple constructor and use the property initializer syntax that came with .NET 3.0

Your code would have an empty constructor with only one or two parameters and the other properties would be initialized separately during the build:

Pessoa pessoa = new Pessoa() {
    Nome = "nome",
    Sobrenome = "sobrenome",
    Idade = 33,
    Profissao = "programador",
    Salario = 10000.50,
    DtNascimento = new DateTime(12,12,1912)

In this way Intellisense will complete all the initializable properties inside the keys and when it puts a comma and the programmer can initialize as many as you like without having to pass null or empty string to those parameters that do not have at the moment.     

13.02.2014 / 19:30

At first, no. One possible solution would be to test if Visual Studio 2013.

This is a type of error that if it were possible to resolve without asking the user, they should do it by default. The annoying thing about it is that this can cause false positives and find that the function only has this parameter itself.

Something I've seen is that it had plugins that seemed to enhance Intellisense for other things and probably should also fix it, and maybe that would resolve if that bug really annoyed you.

Source: a couple of years ago I also had to use Visual Studio 2010 and I had exactly at least a problem and also because of slowness in certain projects. At the time I thought it was a bug, and I remember looking for it but I did not find any reference to it.

10.02.2014 / 13:18

An alternative would be to choose a different font or reduce its size through the

Ferramentas-> Opções-> Ambiente-> Fontes e cores

And choosing Dica de ferramenta do Editor from the drop-down menu to make changes.

18.02.2014 / 18:33