I believe the answer presented by Caique Romero answers the specific question of the bad author, would like to leave this answer to enrich the topic.
It seems to me that the author seeks to internationalize his software / system and convert a locally formatted user input (en-us in this case) to "en-US" however, the format "suggested" by the author YYYY- MM-DD is not the usual English language format that uses MM / DD / YYYY as the default language.
The following example represents the "correct" output if the intention is even internationalization:
let dateObj = new Date('02/03/2018 00:00:00')
let dateString = dateObj.toLocaleString('en-US', {
year: 'numeric',
month: '2-digit',
day: '2-digit',
hour: '2-digit',
}).replace(/\//g, '-')
A simple replace()
replaces the "bars" if this is even important.
It should be noted that the format of hours in "en-US" uses 24 hours while the "en-US" format only 12 so the output will always have "AM" or "PM" to indicate which time of day is being referenced.
The formatting of the English language also differs for Americans and British, the British use the format DD / MM / YYYY as in this example:
let dateObj = new Date('02/03/2018 00:00:00')
let dateString = dateObj.toLocaleString('en-GB', {
year: 'numeric',
month: '2-digit',
day: '2-digit',
hour: '2-digit',
}).replace(/\//g, '-')
Brits use the 24-hour format so there is no "AM / PM" in the output, it looks like our "en-br" the only difference is in a comma after the date.
The following example uses UNIXTimeStamp obtained locally (pt-BR) and uses it to convert standard "en-US" and "en-GB" outputs (% with% to replace "
let UNIX = Date.now()
console.log('UnixTimeStamp: ', UNIX)
console.log('Unix String (UTC): ', new Date(UNIX))
function Format(timestamp, lang) {
let dateObj = new Date(timestamp)
return dateObj.toLocaleString(lang, {
year: 'numeric',
month: '2-digit',
day: '2-digit',
hour: '2-digit',
}).replace(/\//g, '-')
console.log('formato pt-BR: ', Format(UNIX, 'pt-BR'))
console.log('formato en-US: ', Format(UNIX, 'en-US'))
console.log('formato en-GB: ', Format(UNIX, 'en-GB'))
The above example only displays UNIX-based formatting, it does not express the difference between TimeZones.
In open systems such as blogs, it is very common to have users from around the world, for example saving the already formatted date of a user's publication in the bank, as showing other users "spread" around the world. date of the post (fluently in their languages and times)? Saving the date of publication in UNIXTimeStamp this is possible:
let UNIX = Date.now()
console.log('UnixTimeStamp: ', UNIX)
console.log('Unix String (UTC): ', new Date(UNIX))
function Format(timestamp, lang, tz) {
let dateObj = new Date(timestamp)
return dateObj.toLocaleString(lang, {
timeZone: tz,
year: 'numeric',
month: '2-digit',
day: '2-digit',
hour: '2-digit',
}).replace(/\//g, '-')
console.log('formato pt-BR: ', Format(UNIX, 'pt-BR','America/Sao_Paulo'))
console.log('formato en-US: ', Format(UNIX, 'en-US', 'America/New_York'))
console.log('formato en-GB: ', Format(UNIX, 'en-GB', 'Europe/London'))
The above example uses the timeZone option of replace()
to simulate the local timezone of potential users around the world, in this case a Paulista a "Novayorkino" and a Londoner. >
As countries can have more than one timezone in a real environment, the correct timezone would be to get the user's local timezone (who is viewing / accessing a post):
In this way users "scattered" around the world can see exact date of when another user made a publication taking into account their local time.
The best way to work with dates for formatting (internationalization) is to use UNIXTimeStamp references because they can be formatted for any output. When using strings already formatted you will have problems converting (formatting) to other outputs.
UnixTimeStamp: RFC2822 , #
JavaScript object toLocaleString()
: Mozilla Docs
JavaScript Date()
: Mozilla Docs
JavaScript Intl.DateTimeFormat()
: Mozilla Docs
Language tags used in toLocaleString()
follow BCP47