Sort in the query - Leave the last record first and then sort by a field


I'm having to create a query that returns the data sorted by a specific field, for example name, but the first return line must be the last id. Can you do this with sql?

Let's suppose I have the user table:

id    nome
1     João
2     Marcelo
3     André
4     Vanessa

The return should be:

id    nome
4     Vanessa
3     André
1     João
2     Marcelo

If anyone has any ideas for this.

Follow a SQLFiddle

asked by anonymous 27.08.2014 / 21:43

5 answers


Possible solution:

   (SELECT MAX(id) AS ultimo FROM usuario) AS dummy
ORDER BY id != ultimo, nome


  • The subquery (SELECT MAX(id) AS ultimo FROM minha.Base.minhaTabela) AS dummy causes id greater to be returned for all rows, under the name of column ultimo .

  • / li>
  • By taking the special case of ORDER BY , sorting is done by name.


    See working on SQL Fiddle

    27.08.2014 / 22:27

    An auxiliary table can be used for this scenario:

    CREATE TABLE #temp (id int, nome nvarchar(max))
    INSERT INTO #temp (id, nome)
        SELECT id, nome from tabela where id = (select max(id) from tabela)
    INSERT INTO #temp
        SELECT id, nome from tabela where id <> (select max(id) from tabela) order by nome
    SELECT id, nome FROM #temp
    DROP TABLE #temp
    27.08.2014 / 22:04
    SELECT usr.* 
    FROM   usuario AS usr, 
           (SELECT Max(id) AS maxid 
            FROM   usuario) AS src 
    ORDER  BY src.maxid !=, 


    First we define in a subquery which is the greater ID , and we make it available for consultation in the main query.

    Then we use a comparison directly in the ORDER BY clause.


    | ID |    NOME |
    |  4 | Vanessa |
    |  3 |   André |
    |  1 |    João |
    |  2 | Marcelo |
    27.08.2014 / 22:28

    Just use something like this order by id desc

    Just complementing for those who could not try to understand

    SELECT *
    FROM teste
    ORDER BY id DESC, nome ASC
    27.08.2014 / 21:55


    The first select takes the information from the last record, the second does the total sort by the field name, when joining the tables it already does what the question expects the union of the two SQL, eliminating even the code that repeats! Because it does not repeat with a union it does a distinct so there is no repetition, according to link microsoft , is very well explained.

    SELECT id, nome FROM (
          SELECT id, nome FROM testdb.tabela30 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1
    ) AS tabelaidmax
    SELECT id, nome from (SELECT id, nome FROM testdb.tabela30 ORDER BY nome asc
    ) as tabelanomeasc
    27.08.2014 / 21:59