Use Middleware in Systems Integration [closed]


In the company where I work, we need to integrate our desktop system, which has a local database with a system that will be running on a cloud server. Our scenario is 2000 clients performing asynchronous integration.

The back-end application will expose integration services using rest.

Our customers will have an application that performs scheduled tasks consuming integration services.

The question is whether to use a Middleware or not:

Option 1: The Client application directly consumes the back-end services.

Option 2: Use a Middleware application, where the client system consumes a single service that adds messages to an integration queue. Middleware is responsible for consuming the queue and integrating with back-end application services.

asked by anonymous 17.02.2017 / 21:10

1 answer


Using messaging-oriented middleware is a great alternative, as it ensures greater uncoupling and scalability due to its asynchronous nature.

18.02.2017 / 03:21