Fill in several combobox


I can fill a combobox with DataTable, but in my case I need to fill 2 combobox and 1 checkedboxlist with data from a MySQL bd

//formulário cadastro
private void frmCadastroRecibo_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Classes.DBconect con = new Classes.DBconect();
    string sqlc = "SELECT * FROM cliente";
    DataTable dtc = new DataTable();
    MySqlDataReader drc = con.returnDataR(sqlc);
    cmbCliente.DisplayMember = "nome";
    cmbCliente.ValueMember = "id";
    cmbCliente.DataSource = dtc;

//classe de ligação aplicação e bd
public MySqlDataReader returnDataR(string querySql)
    str_sql = querySql;
    MySqlConnection exec = new MySqlConnection();
    exec = abrirBanco();
    MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand();
    comando.CommandText = str_sql.ToString();
    comando.Connection = exec;
    MySqlDataReader sqlReader = comando.ExecuteReader();
    return sqlReader;

How can I do this?

asked by anonymous 11.12.2014 / 05:53

2 answers


A simple example of how to do it. Then you adapt according to your need.

public bool preencheTipo_Usuario(DropDownList dl)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.AppendLine("select ");
            sb.AppendLine("codtipo, descricao_tipo");
            sb.AppendLine("from tbl_tipo_usuario ");

            SqlConnection conexao = new SqlConnection();
            conexao.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conectDarf"].ConnectionString;
            this.cmd = new SqlCommand(sb.ToString(), conexao);


                SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                dl.DataSource = dr;
                dl.DataTextField = "descricao_tipo";
                dl.DataValueField = "codtipo";

                dl.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("--- SELECIONE ---", "-1"));
            catch (Exception excecao)
                Erro = excecao.Message;
                return false;


            return true;
11.12.2014 / 13:36

You can do the same type of procedure by using MySqlDataAdapter to fill your DataTable . Once you have the table filled with the data only use the properties of ComboBox and CheckListBox :

  • SuaComboBox.DataSource = sua Tabela;
  • SuaComBox.ValueMember = "O campo que você que o rertono";
  • SuaComBox.DisplayMember = "O Campo do item que você quer q seja exibido";

Control CheckListBox has the same properties.

An illustration of MySqlDataAdapter usage:

In this Illustration, create a Load Name Method that is assigned to the .Load event, after initializing the Form Components, executing the queries, and feeding the controls.

01.05.2018 / 22:15