Cron is a task scheduler present on Unix systems. It just does this: schedule tasks to run at regular intervals.
In response to your question they gave you this code:
59 23 * * * php -f /home/u844214382/cronjobs/nomedoarquivo.php
It can be translated as:
Every day, at 23
hours, at minute 59
, run the
php -f /home/u844214382/cronjobs/nomedoarquivo.php
You can see how to create these and other combinations of commands using this site: link
is a generic system tool. The unique relationship of it with PHP
is due to the fact that it is capable of firing scripts on the system, so you can use it to run PHP scripts on the command line too, as the example indicates.
To use a metaphor:
Cron is an alarm clock. In the interval you send it will play and
poking his script at him to wake up. From here the script will turn
alone to accomplish the tasks that have to be done.
So the questions you ask from 1 to 5 can be resolved in pure PHP, taking into account that it will run on the command line (not a request from a browser), with Cron only as a scheduler and trigger of the tasks.