Value based on another field (Crystal Reports)


How do I get the Valor Unit of the last purchase in Crystal Reports on a resulting table like the following?

|   CodItem   |   DataCompra  | Qtde |  ValorUnit |   ValorTotal  |
|    Cod1     |    17/01/15   |  25  |    10,00   |     250,00    |  
|    Cod1     |    09/01/15   |  35  |    20,00   |     700,00    |
|    Cod1     |    11/01/15   |  50  |     5,00   |     250,00    |
|    Cod1     |    22/01/15   |  30  |    10,00   |     300,00    |
|    Cod2     |    19/01/15   |  10  |     5,00   |      50,00    |
|    Cod2     |    15/01/15   |  15  |    10,00   |     150,00    |

The resulting table's SQL is as follows:

      ,'Qtde' = SUM(Qtde)


WHERE DataCompra BETWEEN '2015-01-01' AND '2015-01-31'


And my result would look like this:

|   CodItem   |   DataCompra  | Qtde |  ValorUnit |   ValorTotal  |  UltimoPreco  |
|    Cod1     |    17/01/15   |  25  |    10,00   |     250,00    |     10,00     |
|    Cod1     |    09/01/15   |  35  |    20,00   |     700,00    |     10,00     |
|    Cod1     |    11/01/15   |  50  |     5,00   |     250,00    |     10,00     |
|    Cod1     |    22/01/15   |  30  |    10,00   |     300,00    |     10,00     |
|    Cod2     |    19/01/15   |  10  |     5,00   |      50,00    |      5,00     |
|    Cod2     |    15/01/15   |  15  |    10,00   |     150,00    |      5,00     |

Preferably (and only if possible) would like to know how to do this in Crystal Reports. But in SQL too much would help me.

asked by anonymous 19.02.2015 / 19:27

2 answers


Remaining my answer, I think I misunderstood before

What can be done in sql is to use a subselect

SELECT CodItem ,DataCompra ,'Qtde' = SUM(Qtde) ,ValorUnit ,ValorTotal 
FROM tabela t1

WHERE DataCompra BETWEEN '2015-01-01' AND '2015-01-31' 

And DataCompra = (SELECT MAX(DataCompra)
                  From tabela t2
                  Where t2.CodItem = t1.CodItem)

GROUP BY CodItem ,DataCompra ,ValorUnit ,ValorTotal

In other words, the subselect only brings the largest purchase of a "CodItem".

20.02.2015 / 11:25

Sub-select LastCreco for CodItem :

  SELECT CodItem, DataCompra, 'Qtde' = SUM (Qtde), ValueUnit, ValueTotal, 'LastCreco' = (SELECT TOP 1 S.ValorUnit FROM SUATABELA S WHERE S.CodItem = CodItem ORDER BY DataCompra) FROM SUATABELA WHERE DataCompra BETWEEN '2015-01-01' AND '2015-01-31' GROUP BY CodItem, DataCompra, ValueUnit, ValueTotal

29.09.2015 / 11:04