How do you create ZERO PDF files (without frameworks)?


Well, I'm looking at some possibilities of generating PDF's on Android (offline), and none is entirely satisfactory, whether it's the license, features, large framework, or support version of Android (there's the PdfDocument , which is available from Android API 19, but my minTarget = 14).

So, what I need so far is to generate a simple PDF, (almost .txt, text only, without much fuss), but a requirement of the client is that it be in PDF (clients, you know). So I thought about creating my own PDF, from the source, but I researched a lot and did not find anything about PDF's source templates, for example, how it has to be the header, how to create a paragraph, etc. Only appears to me in the researches frameworks, and more frameworks.

So I would like to know if anyone knows anything and can show me an example of ZERO creation of a very simple PDF with headers, a title and a paragraph, and a bonus table (it is the most complex part of the pdf which I have to generate), this would already be great.

And also as far as I know the PDF is from Adobe , then you may have a problem or license regarding that.

asked by anonymous 13.02.2015 / 12:03

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