Prealoder when requesting dowload


I'm doing a return of a pdf from a Custom ActionResult

response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=teste.pdf");

And I would like to know how I could make a preloader while the server processes this download


As requested, the link code that makes the download request

@Ajax.ActionLink("Print", "Report", new { id = 20 }, new AjaxOptions { 
        Confirm="Are you cure?",
asked by anonymous 16.09.2015 / 19:20

1 answer


Let's say you already have preloader ready (html, css, js) and need only call and hide it at download time. If you do not have it, here is an example.

You can use ajax to call your ActionResult and call your preloader ao mesmo tempo.

    $(".downloadAnexo").click(function () {
        $("#divPreloader").fadeIn();//Chama o preloader
            url: '@Url.Action("DownloadFile")?id=' + 1,//Sua ActionResult
            type: 'GET',
            success: function () {
                $("#divPreloader").hide();//Esconde o preloader em caso de sucesso
            }, error: function () {
                $("#divPreloader").hide();//Esconde o preloader em caso de erro

See an example at dotNetFiddle.


Using the Ajax.ActionLink you have both the OnBegin and OnComplete options. Just call the functions to show and hide preloader . It would look like this:

@Ajax.ActionLink("Print", "Index", new { id = 20 }, new AjaxOptions
    Confirm = "Are you cure?",
    HttpMethod = "GET",
    LoadingElementId = "divLoading",
      OnBegin = "onAjaxBegin",//Chamo a função onAjaxBegin
    OnComplete = "onAjaxComplete"//Quando completar, chamo a função onAjaxComplete

And you create the functions to do what you want:

   function onAjaxBegin() {

        function onAjaxComplete() {
17.09.2015 / 16:21