Remove all elements of the Environment that contain numbers and uppercase letters


Consider the objects:

  • How to remove objects that contain numbers?

  • How to remove objects that contain uppercase letters?

My goal is to do this all at once, so that only vector remains. I do not want to have to type, for example:


I want to use something like: [0-9] and [A-Z] within the function rm .

Also, what would the function look like for a list ? It follows dput of it to help answer:

mylist=structure(list(dataset1 = structure(list(var1 = 
67.412983905524, 85.6350479647517, 69.0797958150506, 23.8283388130367, 
95.553572345525, 29.0164476074278, 71.0307511687279, 40.3978266194463
), var2 = c(29.2814019694924, 61.8766243383288, 27.239320538938, 
27.597702536732, 61.7392177134752, 79.012787565589, 57.9802662879229, 
80.5304721556604, 64.3874954432249), var3 = c(28.0727723427117, 
60.635687764734, 28.839645255357, 21.5680585056543, 41.4972599223256, 
78.5253136977553, 71.1393622308969, 43.5780669748783, 50.4048792645335
), var4 = c(63.3389138430357, 39.6925644949079, 64.7707579657435, 
49.8857426457107, 24.3227748572826, 20.8205243013799, 
24.2039945721626, 28.1429144367576), var5 = c(68.8740702904761, 
55.5163130350411, 24.4956089183688, 35.9698024578393, 41.842991374433, 
93.4637849777937, 78.2090006582439, 63.6315332911909, 35.8201904967427
), var6 = c(49.4833218678832, 79.0594268217683, 84.8702448047698, 
89.154454190284, 45.2969283424318, 95.3247463144362, 58.4594663605094, 
97.3974690772593, 81.7770860157907), kmeans = structure(c(1L, 
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = c("1", "2", "3"), class = 
"factor")), .Names = c("var1", 
"var2", "var3", "var4", "var5", "var6", "kmeans"), row.names = c(1L, 
3L, 8L, 10L, 15L, 16L, 17L, 24L, 25L), class = "data.frame"), 
mydata = structure(list(var1 = c(68.8994040898979, 86.4890068769455, 
41.4491515234113, 48.7125792913139, 67.0896042510867, 
41.5327339619398, 78.3874392323196, 47.4415177851915, 83.976521063596, 
23.752948474139, 20.1965479925275, 65.0721608288586, 88.8870289362967, 
74.9182807281613, 84.6756487898529, 99.3809685111046, 
97.8404737263918), var2 = c(32.7941456995904, 64.6668173931539, 
34.7624584287405, 77.6456462778151, 73.1857040151954, 
86.6737443953753, 92.1690583974123, 96.1259284429252, 
54.7287909500301, 61.9130505435169, 92.1239553764462, 
91.1119207553566, 59.7223405726254, 56.271854378283, 63.5032017342746, 
97.2438823990524), var3 = c(96.9139205291867, 32.3409661464393, 
94.5406094565988, 52.3079419881105, 92.548458352685, 82.7145664207637, 
83.1966380216181, 53.0209177173674, 56.4625365659595, 
92.0599205233157, 55.0897601060569, 40.1735444366932, 
88.4056675434113, 71.2447142973542, 46.5862010978162, 
81.6879714652896), var4 = c(70.233196914196, 50.9632669016719, 
68.2954710535705, 77.7710892260075, 98.3270382508636, 59.908417519182, 
92.4725500866771, 31.0966997593641, 78.1473434716463, 
62.4164910800755, 83.3351655490696, 59.4744057022035, 
82.4973624758422, 69.706082995981, 86.8536845035851, 78.9299669303, 
49.516792036593), var5 = c(68.4397785365582, 86.5204527787864, 
24.5654080621898, 89.3807902187109, 64.756205175072, 85.9483086690307, 
25.5898364260793, 78.8896332494915, 87.7399998344481, 
42.6951446570456, 49.3495168350637, 41.639910582453, 98.5095219127834, 
43.6992948688567, 82.0324843563139, 97.1282077953219, 
83.0017600394785), var6 = c(35.3501682728529, 31.1327565461397, 
21.9722577184439, 44.7750159911811, 41.9370178319514, 
35.3551966138184, 38.252913877368, 34.6147643961012, 32.9839759506285, 
28.1436816416681, 24.9134236015379, 26.697716023773, 31.1821212992072, 
29.7940192557871, 68.7213623709977, 72.2950306721032, 
38.598245754838), kmeans = structure(c(2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), .Label = 
"2", "3"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("var1", "var2", 
"var3", "var4", "var5", "var6", "kmeans"), row.names = c(2L, 
4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 9L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 18L, 19L, 20L, 21L, 22L, 
23L, 26L, 27L, 29L, 30L), class = "data.frame"), dataset2 = 
    var1 = c(24.4858060218394, 38.8159691542387), var2 = 
    92.1455484442413), var3 = c(23.7727256864309, 39.6465750969946
    ), var4 = c(81.2065978161991, 62.8835928440094), var5 = 
    45.1348656974733), var6 = c(90.111320503056, 79.97005013749
    ), kmeans = structure(c(3L, 3L), .Label = c("1", "2", 
    "3"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("var1", "var2", 
"var3", "var4", "var5", "var6", "kmeans"), row.names = c(11L, 
28L), class = "data.frame")), .Names = c("dataset1", "mydata", 
asked by anonymous 26.12.2018 / 20:01

2 answers


You can do this as follows:

remover <- ls() %>% keep(~str_detect(.x, "[:digit:]|[:upper:]"))
rm(list = remover)

The ls() function lists all environment variables. Then we just make a filter to keep in the list those that have some digit or capital letter.

We use the function rm with the argument list to be able to pass strings with the name of the variables.

Remember that changing the global environment in this way is not a good practice. Probably your code would look better if you used a named list.

In the case of the list

With the list I would do something like this:

discard(mylist, str_detect(names(mylist), "[:digit:]"))

Or even more succinctly:

mylist %>% discard(str_detect(names(.), "[:digit:]"))
26.12.2018 / 20:18

You can do this with R base too, using the following code:

[1] "vector"   "vector1"  "vector86" "vectorA"  "vectorU"

The ls() function lists all environment variables and its result is a vector. Therefore, it has indexes that can be accessed. We want a way to get into indexes 2, 3, 4 and 5, which are those that have at least one digit or at least one uppercase letter. For this, we will use the regular expression [[:digit:]]|[[:upper:]] , which means just to find

  • one digit :digit:

  • or |

  • a capital letter :upper:

By combining this regular expression with the grep function, we can find the indexes of the ls() vector that satisfy our condition:

grep(pattern="[[:digit:]]|[[:upper:]]", ls())
[1] 2 3 4 5

We can look up these indices in the% vector of original%:

ls()[grep(pattern="[[:digit:]]|[[:upper:]]", ls())]
[1] "vector1"  "vector86" "vectorA"  "vectorU"

Finally, just take the output above and use it in the ls() function to remove the objects we no longer want in the workspace:

rm(list=ls()[grep(pattern="[[:digit:]]|[[:upper:]]", ls())])
[1] "vector"

An easier way to solve the problem is by using the suggestion in the comments below:

rm(grep(pattern="[[:digit:][:upper:]]", ls(), value = TRUE))
27.12.2018 / 00:03