So the solution I found was using VBA for application. The instructions:
1- Create mail merge in Word with participants name and other information as needed.
2 - Merge the mail merge so that the end result is a Word file with all the certificates.
3- In the file with all the certificates, write the following VBA code:
Sub BreakOnSection()
Dim Arquivo As Integer
Dim CaminhoArquivo As String
Dim TextoProximaLinha As String
'Set reading the file that contains the names of files that will be generated.
Arquivo = FreeFile
CaminhoArquivo = "F:\Documentos\Evento\participantes.txt"
'Open file for reading.
Open CaminhoArquivo For Input As Arquivo
'Used to set criteria for moving through the document by section.
Application.Browser.Target = wdBrowseSection
'A mail merge document ends with a section break next page.
'Subtracting one from the section count stop error message.
For i = 1 To ((ActiveDocument.Sections.Count) - 1)
'Note: If a document does not end with a section break,
'substitute the following line of code for the one above:
'For I = 1 To ActiveDocument.Sections.Count
'Select and copy the section text to the clipboard.
'Create a new document to paste text from clipboard.
'Altera a orientação da página para paisagem
'Deletes the last page (use only if necessary)
'Removes the break that is copied at the end of the section, if any.
Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdLine, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
ChangeFileOpenDirectory "F:\Documentos\Evento\Certificados\"
'It makes the line reading
Line Input #Arquivo, TextoProximaLinha
TextoProximaLinha = TextoProximaLinha
'Export to .pdf and customize the file name to the line that was read
ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat OutputFileName:= _
"F:\Documentos\Evento\Certificados\" & TextoProximaLinha & ".pdf" _
, ExportFormat:=wdExportFormatPDF, OpenAfterExport:=False, OptimizeFor:= _
wdExportOptimizeForPrint, Range:=wdExportAllDocument, From:=1, To:=1, _
Item:=wdExportDocumentContent, IncludeDocProps:=True, KeepIRM:=True, _
CreateBookmarks:=wdExportCreateNoBookmarks, DocStructureTags:=True, _
BitmapMissingFonts:=True, UseISO19005_1:=False
'Closes the "temporary" file from Word without saving changes
ActiveDocument.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
'Move the selection to the next section in the document.
Next i
ActiveDocument.Close savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
End Sub
Sub Orientation()
'If the page orientation is portrait in it is changed to landscape
'This is a particular case in issuing certificates. Make sure that in your case there is a need
If Selection.PageSetup.Orientation = wdOrientPortrait Then
Selection.PageSetup.Orientation = wdOrientLandscape
Selection.PageSetup.Orientation = wdOrientPortrait
End If
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.VerticalPercentScrolled = 0
End Sub
Sub DeleteLastLine()
'This is a particular case in issuing certificates. Make sure that in your case there is a need
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory
Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End Sub
4- Run and be happy! = D