I'm starting at Laravel and would like to organize my development environment using some " hosts " for my projects. I created the first project in laravel and after suffering a bit with its installation, it worked that was a beauty. I then started a new project, set up the homestead.yaml and hosts of my system, but when I try to access through the browser it still points to the first project. I tried to stop the artisan server but continued with the problem, I searched the internet and the solutions I found did not work. I use ubuntu 16.04 and laravel 5.2 with homestaed ( vagrant / virtualbox ). Below I transcribe some of the hosts and Homestead.ymal files so they can get an idea of how they were configured. I ask friends to try to solve this problem. Thank you.
# vagrant hosts homestead.app api.app
ip: ""
- map: /home/<user>/Dropbox/Projetos/Laravel-PHP/Projetos
to: /home/vagrant/Code
- map: homestead.app
to: /home/vagrant/Code/Laravel/public
- map: api.app
to: /home/vagrant/Code/ApiTeste/public