What is the difference between the LOCATE and INSTR functions?


The description of the function LOCATE , in free translation, is: Returns the position of the first occurrence of substring.

The description of the function INSTR , in free translation, is: Returns the index of the first occurrence of substring.

Apparently they do the same thing, even with slightly different signatures and parameters, but it does not seem to me that the developers would release two functions with equal functionality. So the question remains:

What is the difference between the functions LOCATE and INSTR of MySQL? And if if so, what should I use?

asked by anonymous 18.05.2017 / 20:29

3 answers


In MySQL there are 3 ways to return the first occurrence of a substring in a string:

LOCATE(substr,str), LOCATE(substr,str,pos)
POSITION(substr IN str)

In addition to LOCATE allow the search start position parameter, according to Beginning MySQL Database Design and Optimization: From Novice to Professional (Chad Russell, Jon Stephens, 2004: 208):


POSITION () is standard SQL, LOCATE () is specific to MySQL (), INSTR () is   supported for compatibility with ORACLE.

That is: POSITION () would be the default mysql, LOCATE () MySQL native function () and INSTR () would be present to maintain compatibility with ORACLE banks.

And everything indicates that they have the same implementation, since Item_func_instr extends the Item_func_locate class inside the MySQL source code in sql / item_func.h:

class Item_func_instr : public Item_func_locate
  Item_func_instr(const POS &pos, Item *a, Item *b) :Item_func_locate(pos, a, b)

  const char *func_name() const { return "instr"; }

It is important to note that in the MySQL manual, POSITION (substr IN str) appears as synonymous with LOCATE (substr, str). However, with INSTR and LOCATE, although the function description is the same for the INSTR (str, substr) vs LOCATE (substr, str) format, there are no mentions about the implementation.

22.05.2017 / 16:13

The difference is that in LOCATE you can tell from which position you want to find the substring in the string. Example:

INSTR('she sells seashells', 's') -> RETORNA 1

LOCATE('s', 'she sells seashells', 3) -> RETORNA 5

LOCATE('s', 'she sells seashells', 6) -> RETORNA 9

LOCATE('s', 'she sells seashells', 15) -> RETORNA 19

22.05.2017 / 19:34

Locale accepts a third parameter, this is to inform you from which position you want to find the term in the string

Mysql> SELECT LOCATE('bar', 'foobarbar');
        -> 4
Mysql> SELECT LOCATE('xbar', 'foobar');
        -> 0
Mysql> SELECT LOCATE('bar', 'foobarbar', 5);
        -> 7

Source: link

22.05.2017 / 18:57