Authentication Difficulty in InformDisk BD


I need to develop a small report on a legacy basis with Informix database (this is the first time I work with Informix).

But I'm having trouble connecting. I'm getting the following error:


Connection failed: Incorrect password or user com.informix.asf.IfxASFRemoteException: informix @ is not known on the database server.

It seems that it is denying connection to my machine.

How do I release or disable this authentication step (the base is not production)?

asked by anonymous 03.04.2014 / 14:07

1 answer


Apparently you are informing the wrong password of the informix user.

If you want to free access, "no password", you need to configure your host as trusted. This can be done in some ways, but it depends on which platform and which version you are using;

Most basic method, easy and fast, in Linux / Unix:

  • Add a new line in the /etc/hosts.equiv file of your machine.
    Can try with hostname, but has great chances of not working.
    This method is valid at the operating system level, may end up releasing other types of access to the machine. The effect is immediate.

If you are using windows, the hosts.equiv file is in the %windir%\system32\drivers\etc folder. if it does not exist, you can create it.

If you are using a newer version of the bank, version 11.70 or higher do not need to change the S.O. hosts.equiv, you can use the specific version of the bank:

  • change the REMOTE_SERVER_CFG <nome_arquivo> parameter where it will be a file that you will create in the $ INFORMIXSERVER / etc folder, following the same pattern as hosts.equiv. To change the parameter, with informix user, on the bank server:
    onmode -wf REMOTE_SERVER_CFG=arquivoxyz
03.04.2014 / 16:35