I'm having an error
(Ambiguous column name 'CodBarras')
When you run the following simple code
Dim result As GcpBEArtigoCodBarra
Set result = BSO.Comercial.ArtigosCodBarras.EditaEX("516000456", "KG")
Snifei the query to be sent to DB by the engines and is as follows:
SELECT cb.*,a.RubDim1,a.RubDim2,a.RubDim3 FROM ArtigoCodBarras cb LEFT JOIN Artigo a ON cb.Artigo=a.Artigo WHERE CodBarras='516000456' AND Unidade='KG'
So the query does not actually have the alias ...
Build 09.1509.115 from Logistics and Treasury.
I have tested in previous builds and I have the same error, Thank you in advance for the help.