Doubts about SEO [closed]


Lately I've come across a lot of doubts, and I felt like coming here to publish some of them ...

URL structure


What is the correct way for URLs?

Let's assume that I register domains.


I saw on Google that it's good to organize pages by directories . But I see in the search results that this does not have much influence.

Internal Links


How should I link pages within my site?


<a href="pagina"></a>


<a href=""></a>

Does the domain TLD influence?


If I use the domain with extension will I have better results in Brazil?


Just as I use will I get better results in Mexico?

Does Google intend that the site is from a certain country and directs more traffic to people who are also from the same country?

WPMU Plugin - Multilingual WordPress

I was thinking about blogging and using WPMU to create new languages.


If I use this plugin, can Google think that I am creating duplicate content and punish myself for it?

asked by anonymous 11.08.2014 / 23:12

1 answer



Taking advantage of the DOC example ... of course, but the separation should be relevant and coherent by relating the link to the type. The second link is the most intuitive, relates the specific term (politics in Brazil) to a related genre (news).

Just like news sites have their noticias | artigos | tempo... categories and their subcategories. The ideal is to always group everything that is related.

See that navigation becomes intuitive and similar to browsing in folders, making the organization more efficient for both search engines and the user:

Link, relative or absolute

The right is relative or absolute:


relative link - /noticia/politica-no-brasil.htm
  absolute link - link

Well, this goes of the developer's preference, I use absolute link because it seems more convenient and my system produces the links automatically.

.COM vs. .COM.BR

There is a lot of logic in the search engines, they will identify the target based on several criteria such as domain, extension, language ... I can not state categorically, as I did not find a consensus on this, nor anything very relevant, except for a certain ease in indexing the traditional extensions.


It can be an eternal debate without a concrete certainty ... SEO is one   combination of techniques without an exact and simple rule, but I hope   helped in some points.

12.08.2014 / 04:42