Set Google Chrome homepage programmatically


To set the homepage of Internet Explorer, we can do as follows:

REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /V "Start Page" /D "" /F

But for Google Chrome things get complicated and I do not know the right way to interact with Chrome preferences so I have a batch script to set the home page for me.

How can I set the Google Chrome homepage programmatically?

asked by anonymous 23.12.2014 / 01:36

1 answer



You can download the Google Chrome templates on this site - link (.zip file)

Extract the file.

Once you have done this, go to the Policy Director, and under Computer Settings, Administrative Templates, import the Chrome (ADM, pt-br) template.

Ready, go to Computer Settings, Administrative Templates, Classic Administrative Templates (ADM), Google, Google Chrome, Home Page, Configure Home Page URL.

Place the desired page and you're done.

16.09.2016 / 15:14