I'm trying to use a script to update the IP of our server, to be able to access externally since we use dynamic IP.
The script I use is [this] [1]:
But it returns me the following error:
// Based on the hard work of Mitchel Haan
// https://haanenterprises.com/2013/04/host-your-own-dynamic-dns-using-php-and-cpanel-apis/
// usage:
// http://username:password@website.com/dyndns.php?hostname=remote&myip=
// per the settings below, the above will update the IP remote.example.com to
// myip is not required, will default to the remote IP calling the script
// most dyndns clients will work with a custom url setting. you will likely need to only
// provide the subdomain and not the full address.
// (ie: with this script, hostname=remote instead of hostname=remote.example.com
/***** Variables *****/
#The username and password used by the updater to send the request.
#HTTP Basic authentication
#The url of the cpanel server
$dyndnsCpanel = 'https://example.com:2083';
#username and password used to login to cpanel
$dyndnsCpanelUser = 'username';
$dyndnsCpanelPass = 'password';
#the main domain name of the account on cpanel
$dyndnsDomain = 'example.com';
#the base domain of which the subdomain has a dynamic ip
$dyndnsRemoteHostDomain = '.example.com.';
// Plain text output
header('Content-type: text/plain');
if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="CPanel DynDyns"');
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
die('Authentication Required.');
if(!($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']==$php_auth_user && $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']==$php_auth_pw)) {
die('Invalid Credentials');
// Make sure a host was specified
if (empty($_GET['hostname']))
die('Must specify host');
// Use server value for IP if none was specified
$ip = $_GET['myip'];
if (empty($ip))
// Validate IP address
if (!filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP))
die('Invalid IP address');
// Get and validate ttl
$ttl = $_GET['ttl'];
if (!is_numeric($ttl) || $ttl < 60)
$ttl = 300;
// Create class object
$dyn = new DynDnsUpdater();
// Connection information
// Set username
// Set password
$dyn->updateHost($_GET['hostname'], $ip);
if ($dyn->apiCallTime > 0.0)
echo "\nTotal cPanel API call time: {$dyn->apiCallTime} seconds\n";
// End of processing
/*** Function definitions below ***/
class DynDnsUpdater
public $apiCallTime;
private $curl;
private $cpanelHost;
private $cpanelUsername;
private $cpanelPassword;
private $domain;
private $hostDomain;
/***** Constructor / Destructor *****/
function __construct()
// Create curl object
$this->curl = curl_init();
$curlDefaults = array(
CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, // Allow self-signed certs
CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => false, // Allow certs that do not match the hostname
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // Return contents
curl_setopt_array($this->curl, $curlDefaults);
$this->apiCallTime = 0.0;
function __destruct()
// Release curl object
/***** Setters *****/
function setCpanelHost($host)
$this->cpanelHost = $host;
function setCpanelUsername($username)
$this->cpanelUsername = $username;
function setCpanelPassword($password)
$this->cpanelPassword = $password;
function setDomain($domain)
$this->domain = $domain;
function setHostDomain($domain)
$this->hostDomain = $domain;
/***** Public Functions *****/
public function updateHost($host, $ip)
$hosts = $this->getHost($host);
if ($hosts === false)
return false;
foreach ($hosts as $hostInfo)
if ($hostInfo['address'] == $ip)
echo "No update required: {$hostInfo['name']} ($ip)\n";
return true;
$updateParams = array(
'cpanel_jsonapi_module' => 'ZoneEdit',
'cpanel_jsonapi_func' => 'edit_zone_record',
'domain' => $this->domain,
'Line' => $hostInfo['Line'],
'type' => $hostInfo['type'],
'address' => $ip
$result = $this->cpanelRequest($updateParams);
if ($result)
echo "Update successful: {$hostInfo['name']} ($ip)\n";
echo "Update failed: {$hostInfo['name']}\n";
/***** Private Functions *****/
private function getHost($host)
$fetchzoneParams = array(
'cpanel_jsonapi_module' => 'ZoneEdit',
'cpanel_jsonapi_func' => 'fetchzone_records',
'domain' => $this->domain,
'customonly' => 1
$result = $this->cpanelRequest($fetchzoneParams);
if (empty($result['data']))
return false;
// Get the payload
$zoneFile = $result['data'];
$hosts = array();
foreach ($zoneFile as $line)
if ( ($line['type'] == 'A') &&
($host == DYNDNS_ALLHOSTS || (strcasecmp($line['name'], $host.$this->hostDomain) === 0)) )
$hosts[] = $line;
if (!empty($hosts))
return $hosts;
echo "No hosts found\n";
return false;
private function cpanelRequest($params)
if (empty($this->curl) || empty($params))
return false;
curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->cpanelHost.'/json-api/cpanel?'.http_build_query($params));
curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($this->cpanelUsername.':'.$this->cpanelPassword)) );
$result = curl_exec($this->curl);
$this->apiCallTime += curl_getinfo($this->curl, CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME);
$error = false;
// Check for valid result
if ($result === false)
echo curl_error($this->curl)."\n";
// If curl didn't return anything, there's nothing else to check
return false;
// Check for error code
if (curl_getinfo($this->curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) != '200')
$err = curl_getinfo($this->curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
echo "Error $err\n";
$error = true;
// Attempt to process result
$jsonResult = json_decode($result, true);
if (empty($jsonResult))
echo "Invalid JSON: \n".$result."\n";
return false;
// Check for cpanelresult object
if (isset($jsonResult['cpanelresult']))
$jsonResult = $jsonResult['cpanelresult'];
$error = true;
// Check for cpanel error
if (isset($jsonResult['error']))
echo $jsonResult['error']."\n";
$error = true;
if ($error)
// No sense going past here... no more information to get
return false;
return $jsonResult;
- > line: 199 No hosts found
- > Total cPanel API call time: 0.406303 seconds
Has anyone used it yet and can you give me a light?