Modal bootstrap MVC 5


I'm trying to use the modal of Bootstrap , but I can not make the window open in modal form with the page style, instead it opens as a page with no style and using the whole frame of the browser.

Following page code:

@model MyApplication.ViewModels.MyViewModel

@Ajax.ActionLink("Adicionar Endereço", "Create", "Enderecos", new { area = "Geografia", id = Model.Id },
    new AjaxOptions() { 
        HttpMethod = "Get", 
        UpdateTargetId = "modalContent", 
        InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace, 
        OnBegin = "onBegin", 
        OnSuccess = "onSuccess", 
        OnFailure = "onFailure", 
        OnComplete = "onComplete" },
    new { id = "btnEndereco", @class = "btn btn-lg btn-info" }

<a href='@Url.Action("Create", "Enderecos", new { area = "Geografia", id = Model.Id})' class="btn btn-success btn-xs">Adicionar Endereço</a>

<table id="enderecosJson">

<div class="modal fade" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
    <div class="modal-dialog">
        <div class="modal-content" id="modalContent">
@section Scripts {
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function onBegin() {

        function onSuccess() {

        function onComplete() {
            // alert('complete');

        function onFailure() {

The screen looks like this:

Can someone give me a light where I might be wrong?

asked by anonymous 23.07.2015 / 21:00

1 answer


You are loading only the bootstrap JS, you have to load CSS too, make a test, put that tag in your header =

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

28.07.2015 / 14:36