My question is beginner, but I feel pretty lost.
I've been working with Java, but I've always used Tomcat. I recently needed to make my webapp compatible with WebLogic. The problem is that I started to have conflicting versions of libs.
After some search on the Internet, I ended up adding the file weblogic.xml
and adding the tag prefer-web-inf-classes
to the value true
However my doubt is more conceptual. The question is this: how can I know what are the libs that WebLogic already offers me?
For example, if I'm developing a JSF application, WebLogic already offers me a particular lib with a certain version, right? How can I know this version (JSF is an example, but I would like to know all that is available to me)? And later, if I used maven in this JSF application, should I use scope provided
in the dependency definition?
I hope the issue has not been too confusing. If so, please ask me for more information in the comments.