Clear blanks of an array


I'm not finding the answer to this question, simply what I want to know is to remove empty positions from an array, for example:

var(0) = "Remover"
var(1) = ""
var(2) = "espaços"
var(3) = ""
var(4) = "em"
var(5) = ""
var(6) = "branco"

I want to remove the empty positions, which in this case would be var (1), var (3) and var (5),

Would anyone know how to do this?

I was thinking of passing only non-empty fields to another array, but how could I do that?

I tried to do the following command:

 Dim teste() As String
 Dim i1 As Integer = 1
 Dim i2 As Integer = 0
 Dim testesemespaco(500) As String

 teste = html.Split()

 While i1 < teste.Length

   If teste(i1) <> "" Then

        testesemespaco(i2) = teste(i1)

        i2 = i2 + 1

   End If

   i1 = i1 + 1

 End While
asked by anonymous 31.05.2017 / 17:56

1 answer


You can do this easily with LINQ, see the example.

It will also be possible to do with for by going through all the elements and creating another array or a list. In this case, it would be much better to create a list because they have dynamic allocation, so it will not be necessary to make two loops to leave only the valid elements in the collection.

Dim array = New String() {"Remover", "", "espaços", "", "em", "", "branco"}
Dim novoArray = array.Where(Function(palavra) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(palavra)).ToArray()

For Each p As String In novoArray

The expression in Where reads as follows:


"For each palavra , being palavra an element of array return only one that is not null or empty".

See working in .NET Fiddle.

31.05.2017 / 18:22