How do I group records by date where the field is of type datetime? But that's considering timezone.
For example:
When the user enters 12/10/2014 23:30:00, it is recorded in the bank 10/13/2014 01:30:00, because our time zone is -2: 00 now.
My bank data:
|Descrição | created_at |
|Reg 1 | 10/10/2014 17:00:00 |
|Reg 2 | 11/10/2014 01:30:00 | <-- Gostaria que fosse considerado como o dia 10/10/2014
|Reg 3 | 09/10/2014 05:30:00 |
When I have the following code:"date(created_at) as dia, count(*) as qtd").group("dia")
-> [Movimento({:dia => '09/10/2014', :qtd => 1 }), Movimento({:dia => '10/10/2014', :qtd => 1 }), Movimento({:dia => '11/10/2014', :qtd => 1 }) ]
Eu gostaria que o resultado fosse:
-> [Movimento({:dia => '09/10/2014', :qtd => 1 }), Movimento({:dia => '10/10/2014', :qtd => 2 })]
How do I make timezone in my select and group_by?