I need to create multiple test scripts for WEB using PHPUnit and Selenium . I was successful with my initial tests. I was even able to test the login and logout of my web page effectively.
The problem is that I can only execute all the functions of the script at once, and this makes me waste a lot of time on a single test, besides preventing me from reusing the code already written for other tests.
I would like to know how to perform only a few specific functions in a test script like the one below.
class LoginTest extends PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase
protected function setUp()
private function testTitle($title = null)
if (!$title)
private function testLoginFormExists()
//Verifica se está na tela de login
$name = $this->byName('data[User][username]');
$passwd = $this->byName('data[User][password]');
private function testLoginAction()
//Verifica se o form de login existe
$form = $this->byId('UserLoginForm');
$action = $form->attribute('action');
$this->assertEquals(EXAMPLE_URL/users/login, $action);
//Verifica se logou corretamente
private function testLogoutAction()
//Verifica se realiza login
//Realiza logout
//Verifica se realizou logout corretamente
To better exemplify what I'm trying to do: in the script above, I intend to call only the testLogoutAction () function. However, when I run the script, it executes all declared functions in order.
This also happens when I extend the class to another. For example, in the following test, it performs all the functions of the previous code, and then continues testing of the respective class.
class ContasTest extends LoginTest
{ ...