Chained lists - add at the bottom of the list


To have problem at the time of executing this code, whose objective is to add an element at the end of the list, the program is waiting for something that I do not know what it is, then the program of the error. Any light?

To start now lists, then the possibility of being a beast error is big hehe.

typedef struct evento_t {
double tempo;
char descricao[50];
int id_origem, id_destino;
struct evento_t *prox;
} evento_t;

bool eventos_adicionar_fim (evento_t **lista, double tempo, char descricao[], int   id_origem, int id_destino) {

evento_t *novoelemento = (evento_t*)malloc(sizeof(evento_t));
evento_t *auxiliar = *lista, *anterior = NULL;

if (novoelemento!=NULL) {
    novoelemento->tempo = tempo;
    strcpy (novoelemento->descricao, descricao);
    novoelemento->id_origem = id_origem;
    novoelemento->id_destino = id_destino;
    novoelemento->prox = NULL;

    while (auxiliar!=NULL) {
        anterior = auxiliar;
        auxiliar = auxiliar->prox;

    anterior->prox = novoelemento;

    return true;

else {
    return false;


asked by anonymous 28.02.2014 / 00:23

1 answer


The problem is trying to insert something at the end of an empty list. In this case both the auxiliar and the anterior are NULL . The crash will happen when doing anterior->prox = novoelemento; . Instead add a check:

if (*lista == NULL) {
    *lista = novoelemento;
} else {
    // código anterior
28.02.2014 / 01:05