500 Action does not contain method named


I'm making a call to an action but I get the exception that the method does not exist in Action:

500 Action[/historicoAction] does not contain method named listar

Would anyone know what's going on?

Follows files:


<form-bean name="historicoForm" type="br.com.liquigas.portal.form.HistoricoForm"/>

<forward name="/historicoAction" path="/historicoAction.do"></forward>

<action path="/historicoAction" type="br.com.liquigas.portal.action.HistoricoAction" name="historicoForm" scope="request" parameter="method">
    <forward name="success" path="/jsp/historico/historicoPedido.jsp"></forward>
    <forward name="failure" path="/jsp/historico/erro.jsp"></forward>
    <forward name="historicoPedido" path="/jsp/historico/historicoPedido.jsp"></forward>
    <forward name="historicoProduto" path="/jsp/historico/historicoProduto.jsp"></forward>


<a class="ovalbutton" href="#" onclick="return avancar();"><span>Avan&ccedil;ar</span></a>


function avancar(){
    return false;


public class HistoricoForm extends GenericForm {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7434349782026204632L;

     * Filtro da tela com o numero do pedido
    private String numeroPedido;

     * Filtro da tela com o codigo do cliente
    private String codigoCliente;

     * Filtro da tela com a Dta Inicial da pesquisa
    private String dataInicial;

     * Filtro da tela com a Dta Final da pesquisa
    private String dataFinal;

     * Lista com as informações do historico
    private List historicoList;

     * Lista com as informações do Histórico do produto, a tela de detalhe do historico
    private List historicoProdutoList;

     * parametro da jsp
    private String method;

     * @return o numeroPedido
    public String getNumeroPedido() {
        return numeroPedido;

     * @param numeroPedido o numeroPedido a ser configurado
    public void setNumeroPedido(String numeroPedido) {
        this.numeroPedido = numeroPedido;

     * @return o codigoCliente
    public String getCodigoCliente() {
        return codigoCliente;

     * @param codigoCliente o codigoCliente a ser configurado
    public void setCodigoCliente(String codigoCliente) {
        this.codigoCliente = codigoCliente;

     * @return o dataInicial
    public String getDataInicial() {
        return dataInicial;

     * @param dataInicial o dataInicial a ser configurado
    public void setDataInicial(String dataInicial) {
        this.dataInicial = dataInicial;

     * @return o dataFinal
    public String getDataFinal() {
        return dataFinal;

     * @param dataFinal o dataFinal a ser configurado
    public void setDataFinal(String dataFinal) {
        this.dataFinal = dataFinal;

     * @return o historicoList
    public List getHistoricoList() {
        return historicoList;

     * @param historicoList o historicoList a ser configurado
    public void setHistoricoList(List historicoList) {
        this.historicoList = historicoList;

     * @return o historicoProdutoList
    public List getHistoricoProdutoList() {
        return historicoProdutoList;

     * @param historicoProdutoList o historicoProdutoList a ser configurado
    public void setHistoricoProdutoList(List historicoProdutoList) {
        this.historicoProdutoList = historicoProdutoList;

     * @return o method
    public String getMethod() {
        return method;

     * @param method o method a ser configurado
    public void setMethod(String method) {
        this.method = method;


public ActionForward listar(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, 
        HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
asked by anonymous 06.01.2015 / 16:59

1 answer


Well, I managed to solve my problem with a simple change in the parameters of the ActionForward method. The problem was the method:

public ActionForward detail (ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,              HttpActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws Exception { }

I also tried the: public ActionForward detail (ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,              HttpRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws Exception { }

and did not work ....

Fixed with

public ActionForward detail (ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,              ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws Exception { }

12.01.2015 / 13:08