How to do an update in the database on several tables related to codeigniter


I'm trying to do an update with codeigniter on two related tables, but I'm not getting it.

I'm using the following code.

    $this->db->set('', $dados['page']);
    $this->db->set('c.title_map', $dados['title_map']);
    $this->db->where('', $idpage);
    $this->db->where('c.pages_id', $idpage);
    $this->db->update('pages as p, customers as c', $dados, $condicao);

And I'm getting the following error.

    Ocorreu um erro de banco de dados

    Error Number: 1146
    Table 'newaircobraz.pages as p, customers' doesn't exist

    UPDATE 'pages as p, customers' as 'c' SET 'p'.'page' = 'OK Customers', 'c'.'title_map' = 'OK Click the red dots to view customers in each country.', 'id' = 'EN', 'page' = 'OK Customers', 'title_map' = 'OK Click the red dots to view customers in each country.' WHERE 'p'.'id' = '3' AND 'c'.'pages_id' = '3' AND 'id' = 'EN' LIMIT 1

    Filename: C:/xampp/htdocs/aircobraz/application/models/paginas_model.php
    Line Number: 75
asked by anonymous 17.07.2015 / 00:13

1 answer


Do one update at a time.


19.01.2016 / 00:30