Check if the graph is connected


Does anyone know how I can implement a method that checks me if an untargeted graph is connected and, if it is not, return its connected components?

public void connectComps(){
    ArrayList<LinkedList<Estacao>> css = new ArrayList<>();
    Map<Estacao, Boolean> visited = new HashMap<>();
    for(Estacao est : mapaEstacoes.vertices()){
        visited.put(est, false);
    for(Estacao v : mapaEstacoes.vertices()){
        if(visited.getOrDefault(v, Boolean.FALSE)){
            LinkedList<Estacao> aux = GraphAlgorithms.BreadthFirstSearch(mapaEstacoes, v);
asked by anonymous 17.11.2018 / 19:13

1 answer


As the question is about non-directed graphs, I am using this as a premise in my entire answer. Everything I write applies to non-directed graphs unless you find some external reference that shows otherwise. I will not take care here to make explicit what goes for targeted graphs.

Let's start by defining what is a related component? This will serve as a basis for eventual code and also for a common denominator to get here.

A connected component is composed of one vertex and all the other vertices that it can reach. How is this done? Well, we can see this recursively:

  • be the vertive V a vertex of interest; by definition, V is in reach of V , so it belongs to a related component
  • all edges that contain V and point to other vertices Ui increase the reach of V , so all Ui are also within reach of V
  • Exiting each Ui through its vertices, we reach the Tij , which are in the range of Ui and, therefore, in reach of V
  • I would particularly do the navigation to determine the reach of a vertex through a search in depth, not a search in width. Because? Because with an in-depth search I have a smaller memory spike in most cases (the opposite can happen in sparse graphs, where depth searching can take up more memory) and because it's easier to implement.

    How would I do this search? Well, it depends a lot on how your graph is structured. I really like the adjacency matrix , but it does not seem to be the case. I'm going to pretend that the mapaEstacoes object has a List<Estacao> vizinhos(Estacao e) method that returns all neighbors of e . I tried to think of some way to make my code the most similar to what you posted, however, as yours is not recursive and I did not understand the use or need of the variable css , I could not.

    Basically, I'm going to get all the related components of a graph. I will map these related components into sequential identifiers and map each station to a related component. Therefore, I will have a Map<Estacao, Integer> that will identify, for that station, what its related component.

    The search will start by passing a vertex (representing an unrelated connected component) and the identifier of the related component. As I reach new vertices, they will certainly follow one of these two properties: (a) they are already in the connected component in question, (b) they have not yet been visited. I will indicate that a vertex has not been yet when querying the vertex map for identifier of the connected component results in null .

    public static Map<Estacao, Integer> buscarComponentesConexos(GrafoMisterioso mapaEstacoes) {
        Map<Estacao, Integer> relacaoComponentesConexos = new HashMap<>();
        int idComponenteConexoInedito = 0;
        for (Estacao v: mapaEstacoes.vertices()) {
            if (relacaoComponentesConexos.get(v) == null) {
                determinaComponenteConexo(v, idComponenteConexoInedito, mapaEstacoes, relacaoComponentesConexos);
        return relacaoComponentesConexos;
    private static void determinaComponenteConexo(Estacao v, int idComponenteConexo, GrafoMisterioso mapaEstacoes, Map<Estacao, Integer> relacaoComponentesConexos) {
        // se eu cheguei aqui, então devo marcar o vértice passado como pertencente ao componente conexo
        relacaoComponentesConexos.put(v, idComponenteConexo);
        // percorre os vizinhos...
        for (Estacao u: mapaEstacoes.vizinhos(v)) {
            // se o vizinho u ainda não foi visitado, visite-o
            if (relacaoComponentesConexos.get(u) == null) {
                determinaComponenteConexo(u, idComponenteConexo, mapaEstacoes, relacaoComponentesConexos);

    With this, from a graph, we can determine for all its points which are its related components. Not exactly the related components, but almost ...

    A graph is said to be connected if it contains only a single connected component. How can I find out? Well, let's use stream to check for any index greater than zero?

    Map<Estacao, Integer> relacaoComponenteConexo = buscarComponentesConexos(mapaEstacoes);
    OptionalInt qualquerOutro = relacaoComponenteConexo.values().stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).filter(v -> v > 0).findAny(); // estou considerando que o sequencial 0 sempre é usado para o primeiro componente conexo
    boolean grafoConexo = !qualquerOutro.isPresent();

    What if I need to search for each related component? Well, in that case, we need to reverse the mapping. Now, should I map from an index to a list of vertices:

    Map<Estacao, Integer> relacaoComponenteConexo = buscarComponentesConexos(mapaEstacoes);
    Map<Integer, List<Estacao>> = relacaoComponenteConexo.entrySet().stream()
                Collectors.groupingBy(es -> es.getValue(),
                  Collectors.mapping(Entry::getKey, Collectors.toList())));
    03.12.2018 / 06:02