var FILE = '/assets/css/meucss.css';
var css = document.createElement('link');
css.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
css.setAttribute('href', FILE);
If you already have a link
and just need to change the reference, you can do so in html:
<!-- sem 'href' definido -->
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' id='dinamico'/>
And in Javascript get it by the id attribute:
var FILE = 'meucss.css';
document.getElementById('dinamico').setAttribute('href', FILE);
Furthermore, depending on how you are doing, you can use a single css file and use classes in body
to define what rules should be applied in that document. For example:
* O 'body' de todas as páginas que incluirem esse css será preto.
body { background-color: black }
* O 'body' das páginas que incluirem a classe 'espefico' será azul.
body.especifico { background-color: skyblue }
<body class='especifico'>
Qual a minha cor?