Error configuring application on IIS Local (Integrated pool)


Save personal,

I am new to .NET and am having an error creating an application on the local iis. Below exception and my pool print.

My iis resources and project are the same as a friend and on the machine it works.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

asked by anonymous 15.10.2015 / 04:49

2 answers


I was able to solve the problem by adding the following code in web.config:

        <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
15.10.2015 / 05:49

If you do not use impersonate on your site, go to Authentication in IIS and disable. Or try changing the pipeline mode of the app pool to classic if your site is being migrated from iis 6.

16.10.2015 / 17:00