Well, I have 30 solids and I have a different image for each of them. I created an array for the images, and if I choose to use the same image at all (as I left here in the code, use bandeira [0]
) it runs and everything is fine!
I now want to do a random that runs through the array of images and assigns a different image to each of the solids, but for some reason when I tried to% % - and stay with (int index = int(random(0, bandeira.length));
instead of index
) it continues to create all solids with the same image.
int numPaises = 30;
float theta = 0;
PImage logo, chao;
PShape pessoa;
Paises [] solidos = new Paises [numPaises]; //Array solidos!
PImage[] bandeira = new PImage[30];
void setup() {
bandeira[0] = loadImage("portugal.jpg");
bandeira[1] = loadImage("espanha.jpg");
bandeira[2] = loadImage("franca.jpg");
bandeira[3] = loadImage("italia.jpg");
bandeira[4] = loadImage("inglaterra.jpg");
bandeira[5] = loadImage("alemanha.jpg");
bandeira[6] = loadImage("brasil.jpg");
bandeira[7] = loadImage("estadosUnidos.jpg");
bandeira[8] = loadImage("china.jpg");
bandeira[9] = loadImage("russia.jpg");
bandeira[10] = loadImage("quenia.jpg");
bandeira[11] = loadImage("argelia.jpg");
bandeira[12] = loadImage("africaSul.jpg");
bandeira[13] = loadImage("armenia.jpg");
bandeira[14] = loadImage("austria.jpg");
bandeira[15] = loadImage("bahamas.jpg");
bandeira[16] = loadImage("belgica.jpg");
bandeira[17] = loadImage("benin.jpg");
bandeira[18] = loadImage("bulgaria.jpg");
bandeira[19] = loadImage("chile.jpg");
bandeira[20] = loadImage("congo.jpg");
bandeira[21] = loadImage("cuba.jpg");
bandeira[22] = loadImage("filandia.jpg");
bandeira[23] = loadImage("jamaica.jpg");
bandeira[24] = loadImage("noruega.jpg");
size (1200, 650, P3D);
for (int j=0; j < solidos.length; j++) {
float angle = j * TWO_PI / numPaises;
float x = 0 + 2000 * cos(angle);
float z = 0 + 2000 * sin(angle);
int index = int(random(0, bandeira.length)); // *******
solidos[j] = new Paises(x, 700, z, bandeira[0]);
void draw() {
background (0);
scale(0.8); //escala de visão
translate(700, 0, -3500);
for (int j =0; j < solidos.length; j++) {
theta += 0.020;
class Paises {
float x, y, z;
float w, h, d;
Paises(float nx, float ny, float nz, PImage img ) {
x =nx;
y = ny;
z =nz;
w= random(130, 200);
h= random(400, 500);
d= random(130, 200);
pessoa = createShape(BOX, w, h, d);
void render() {
translate(x, y-h/2, z);
//box(w, h, d);