I'm trying to develop a script with vba, in excel , to facilitate a routine we have at work, which inserts about 9,000 data into the internal system. We are currently manually inserting this data. This data will never be the same since it is obtained after multiple document checks.
Because this system is a page, accessed by browser , I am using Application.SendKeys
to be able to manipulate it.
It has two logins . The first is quiet to do and after doing so, it shows us a selection of systems (as shown below)
Toaccessthesecondlogin,wehavetoselectthe"PERSONAL". But you can only select it using two mouse clicks. Press TAB and use the arrows until you reach the option that I need and then press ENTER does not resolve.
Would it be possible to do this with VBA? I have already seen that there is something like .click
, but I have no idea how I would do it.
The code to generate the image frame is below:
<span id="pnlUsuarioSistema_span" style = "position:absolute;top:210px;left:258px;height:197px;width:321px;background-color:F2F4F2;border-color:004080;border-style:Solid;border-width:1px;font-family:Verdana;font-size:11;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;">
<label name="lblTexto" id="lblTexto" style = "background-color:F2F4F2;color:004080;font-family:Verdana;font-size:12;font-style:normal;font-weight:bold;height:21px;left:15px;position:absolute;top:15px;width:303px;">Selecione o sistema que deseja ingressar:</label>
<select name="usrSysList" id="usrSysList" size="2" originalClass="DBList" style = "font-family:Verdana;font-size:12;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;height:141px;left:17px;position:absolute;top:36px;width:285px;" ondblclick="openNewSession()">
<option value="http://(...)MAV">MAV</option>
<option value="http://(...)ORCOM">ORCOM</option>
<option value="http://(...)PESSOAL">PESSOAL</option>
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