How to calculate the nth root of a number in C?


I tried to calculate this way, only that pow returns only the number 1 for me:

int funcao1(int y,int z){
 int k;
 k = pow(y,1/z);
asked by anonymous 14.10.2017 / 22:41

1 answer


Try this:

double funcao1(int y,int z){
 double k;
 k = pow(y,1.0/z);

Or even better:

double raiz(int radicando, int indice){
  return pow(radicando, 1.0/indice);

What has changed:

1) The root of a number can be fractional, so you need to return float or double otherwise there will be rounding.

2) Because% is an integer and you were z , this result will also be integer, since the 1/z is treated as integer and C does not automatically promote the result of a division of integers for 1 or float . If you passed, say 4 and 2, the function would raise 4 to 1/2, but 1/2 is zero when we convert to integer (rounding down). Anything raised to zero is 1, so the constant result you were getting. The workaround is to use double instead of 1.0 , which forces the result type to be 1

14.10.2017 / 23:14