I have studied a lot about DDD and I have this question that has been bothering me since I started reading about "strategic design". I have been working with programming since 2009 and most of the time I have always worked alone. I have already developed software with a closed scope, a specific client and everything. But at the moment I am working on some software as a service projects developed to be sold afterwards, that is, without any specific clients waiting for the software for his company.
Of course, to be able to model things correctly I have available domain experts who provide the requirements and everything. The fact is, I do not have a team. I have read that if I work alone I have to forget DDD and find another way to work and this worried me a bit, because several problems I have already seen that without using the DDD are extremely complicated.
When I first read about "strategic design", about subdomains and bounded contexts, this seemed to me to be very useful. In fact, several problems I had in previous developments seemed to be much simpler using these ideas. The problem is the fact that when reading about it I see a lot of focus on teams: "allocate a team to each bounded context."
This is clearly impossible to do on my own, but I still do not think I can apply the ideas of "strategic design".
So, what I want to know is this: taking all this into account and mainly working on projects that do not have a deadline or a closed scope, it is possible for me to take advantage of DDD ideas, "? If so, how can I do this?