MSI installer - customizing the installer


Well, first I need to know if it is possible in an MSI installer (I use the 'setup project' that I have in VS) to select which application I want to install. For now I have an installer for each project of my solution, and now I want to centralize everything in a single installer, but I want this installer to have the option of selecting which of the applications I want to install. So far I'm using an ordinary MSI installer, but it installs all modules at once, not having the option to select which one I want to install.

asked by anonymous 12.12.2014 / 16:03

1 answer


You can use Inno Setup along with ISTool

In it you will be able to configure an xml with all the actions you want to do, even cascade installers. You can also install your installer on it, you will be able to put it to run other installers after your.

16.12.2014 / 13:42